Because of its intimate nature, retreats at The Sanctuary
are offered to existing groups of friends who desire an experience tailored uniquely for them. Each group has the opportunity to choose their own retreat topic from the “menu” below, one that will speak directly and powerfully into their current lives and experience.
Now What?
Creating a vision for the next season of life
All times of transition in a woman’s life can be challenging, perhaps non more so than the days we prepare to say “good-bye” to our last child and come to terms with a newly empty nest. As mothers, we all find ourselves at this point eventually: Our children leave home, our careers or interests shift, and the dynamics of our marriages change as our husbands face life transitions of their own. Quietly, we all find ourselves asking “Now what?”.
Regardless of whether you have made some of these shifts already, or you will be soon, this is the ideal weekend for you. Take this opportunity to focus on yourself and get excited about the future as you explore, and answer, the questions: “Am I living the life that suits me?” “Have I left anything undone?” and “What would I do next if I wasn’t afraid?”
The Search For Serenity I;
Insights for living your authentic life well.
We all crave that inner peace we call “serenity” but if we’re honest we understand how elusive that sense of well-being can be. It’s easy to believe that someone, or something outside of ourselves will bring the relief we seek, even though at some level we understand that we’re responsible for creating a life that feels good.
This is the opportunity to bring a spiritual perspective to the
internal and external challenges of living life joyfully, powerfully, and authentically. Spend a weekend learning how to release yourself from the resentment and remorse of your past, the sense of being overwhelmed by the present, and any anxiety you feel about the future. This is the chance to create a life that feels good and to feel good about the life you create!
The Search For Serenity II;
Insights for living the single life well
Whether you have only recently been separated or divorced and find yourself in the midst of the chaos that goes with devastating upheaval, or you’ve been single for years and
are settled into single life, you know that there are challenges uniquely associated with being “on your own”. Single parenting, financial responsibilities, loneliness, and the
fear of what the future holds, all threaten that sense of inner peace that we call “serenity”.
Regardless of how long you’ve been single, or the circumstances that led to finding yourself here, this is an opportunity to bring a spiritual perspective to the internal
and external struggles that stand in the way of living powerfully and joyfully. Similar to it’s sister retreat: “The Search For Serenity I”, but tailored specifically to divorced singles, this weekend will help you learn tools to release yourself from the anger and remorse of your past, the sense
of being overwhelmed in the present, and your anxiety about the future. This is the chance to create a life that feels good and to feel good about the life you create!
Finding The “Me” in “Mommie”
Every season in a woman's life presents its own challenge, and its own opportunity for living serenely, and authentically. The most challenging of all may be those years when we answer to the name “Mommie”. So much of our energy is needed by our children, partners, and/or careers. Often times, as women, we spend these years more identified with our roles ("mommy", "wife", "professional") than with our true selves. Ironically though, only when we take our real self to our various roles, are we able to be the most effective
and fullfilled parent, partner, and professional.
These years don't need to be a hiatus from ourselves, even though we are so focused on others. They can instead be the season that we come to understand and embrace who we really are. This is a weekend to explore the unique gifts that you bring to your world, and discover ways to arrange your life and home to authentically reflect what fits for you.
Called to Connection; The gift of healthy friendship
As women most of us desire a sense of community and connection. We yearn for deep, safe, and intimate relationships because only within the bonds of friendship do we have the chance to experience the precious opportunity of unwavering acceptance with others who share our feminine perspective. Still, when we’re honest we admit that it can feel tricky to allow even our closest friends to truly “see” us.
This is a weekend to gather with the women you are honored to call “friend”, and celebrate the gift and challenge of bringing your authentic self to your relationships. It’s a chance to explore who you really are, with your own unique gifts and challenges, and to learn how to share your authentic self with others. Learn what it takes to have a friend and be a friend, with others who fearlessly and humorously are willing to
do the same.
Sex, Love, and Power Struggles;
The art of maintaining intimacy with the opposite sex
We all crave intimacy and connection with our spouse, but if we’re honest we’ll admit that there is much about them that baffles us no matter how long we’ve been married! I believe it was Cher who once said “Marriage is a great institution; but who wants to live in an institution?” While we may not feel exactly “institutionalized”, most of us will admit that it’s tricky
to stay “well married” to anyone. There are predictable challenges that even the strongest married couples face;
most boiling down to the differences between us.
This is a chance to join your spouse, and other couples who you both enjoy, as you regain the closeness that attracted you to each other in the first place. This retreat is not designed to be “marital therapy”, but rather an opportunity to gain positive insight into each other’s true personalities and perspectives. Get to know yourself, and your spouse at a deeper level. Learn what helps, what hurts, and what tools we all need so that we can translate relational insights into action.